By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times Editor
The weather’s growing warmer, flowers are blooming, farmers are working in the fields—all tell tale signs that May has finally arrived in Monona. The surest sign of all, however, is the Methodist Church’s annual May Breakfast. Originally held the first day of May, it’s now served the first Saturday of May. This year’s breakfast will take place at Living Faith UMC, in Monona, on Saturday, May 6, from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m., marking the event’s 100th anniversary.
“The May Breakfast started 100 years ago as a fundraiser for the Congregational Church,” shared organizer Ila Benzing. “The first breakfast was held in the parsonage. For the next five years, it was in the houses of the members. They could serve whatever they wanted.”