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MFL MarMac virtual awards ceremony comes together with group effort

With school closed due to COVID-19, MFL MarMac held its annual senior awards night virtually this year. The district used live streaming via Zoom YouTube so the awards could be viewed in real time by all seniors, their families and other community members. This image offers a look at the empty auditorium with the camera set up and principal Larry Meyer at the podium. Producer Cheri Moser can be viewed on the video screen to the left.

Twenty community members handed out scholarships live from their homes during MFL MarMac’s virtual senior awards ceremony on May 6. This screenshot shows the presenters gathered via Zoom.

Dr. Mark Fohey gets ready to present the Family Dentistry Associates of Monona Scholarship from his home office.

MFL MarMac’s annual senior awards night is always one of the key events leading up to commencement, as community members and school staff present scholarships and academic honors to the soon-to-be graduates.

Even with school closed due to COVID-19, it was still important to continue the tradition for the class of 2020, said Cheri Moser, a McGregor resident and member of the district’s “CommUNITY Committee.” 

“They missed out on a lot this last semester,” she said, “so we want to do everything we can to celebrate them.”

“We want to keep our seniors on schedule and on time—no matter what—for their special days, which they’ve been waiting for for a long time,” added high school principal Larry Meyer.


Counselors help students navigate social, emotional impacts of COVID-19

By Audrey Posten, Times-Register

For MFL MarMac staff like Samantha Baumgartner, working through the COVID-19 pandemic has been a roller coaster of emotions.

“It’s been both heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time,” reflected the middle school guidance counselor. “It has been heartbreaking to watch as students, staff and families grieve for the loss of the expectations and plans they had. It has personally been difficult to not be able to be greeted by the laughter and smiles in the hallway each day, or to be physically with students when they start to make progress on a goal or overcome a challenge. Yet, my heart has overflowed from the outpouring of support and creativity in our Bulldog community.”


Meet the Times-Register editor

Audrey Posten is the editor of the newly-merged North Iowa Times-Clayton County Register.

By Audrey Posten, Times-Register

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” This quote from science educator and TV personality Bill Nye is one that’s shaped my career as a journalist. Whether I’m speaking with someone about their hobby, asking a farmer how he raises pigs, interviewing a student athlete about the game-winning touchdown or getting a public official to explain how an ordinance change might impact residents, I know everyone has a story to tell. Each person can provide a unique perspective that spurs discussion and community action, makes people think, brings them a smile or even a tear. Whether we’ve lived in a town for two months or five decades, it shows us there’s always something left to learn—something new to discover about our home and the people around us.


Local businesses ‘optimistic but cautious’ in choosing whether to re-open

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Clayton County on May 1, some local restaurants and retail shops (like Navy Rose and Co., pictured here) chose to allow customers inside on a limited basis, with precautions in place, while others opted to stick with carry outs and curbside pick-up.

By Audrey Posten, Times-Register

“Optimistic but cautious.” According to McGregor-Marquette Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ashley Kishman, that’s how most local restaurants and retail shops approached the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Clayton County beginning May 1.

“This is a new way of doing things,” Kishman said, “and businesses are putting in a lot of new practices to keep people safe.”

That includes limiting occupancy to 50 percent of capacity and implementing reasonable measures to ensure social distancing of employees and patrons, increased hygiene practices and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.


GRCC confirms positive COVID-19 case associated with the facility

In a statement released Monday, Great River Care Center in McGregor said it’s doing everything it can to stop the spread of COVID-19 following the confirmation of one positive case associated with the facility.

“We are in very close communication with local and state health officials to ensure we are taking the appropriate steps at this time,” the statement read. “Our staff and residents are following the recommended preventative actions, we have restricted visitors from entering our facility and cancelled all group activities within the building.”

Due to patient privacy laws, Great River Care Center is unable to share any further specific information about the confirmed case in the facility.


Fall level traffic at Pikes Peak

Those looking to visit Pikes Peak should avoid large groups and areas where people may congregate. Maintain the six-foot recommended distance between other visitors. (Photo by Audrey Posten)

Pikes Peak State Park, south of McGregor, has been a popular destination for both locals and visitors looking to escape their homes and enjoy the great outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The campground hosts’ granddaughter recently left chalk messages at the park’s popular scenic overlooks, reminding people to social distance. (Submitted photo)

By Audrey Posten, Times-Register

Pikes Peak State Park, south of McGregor, has been a popular destination for both locals and visitors looking to escape their homes and enjoy the great outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The park has been extremely busy because our open areas—trails, overlooks, picnic areas—have remained open,” said Pikes Peak Manager Matt Tschirgi. “The number of phone calls has quadrupled probably, with people double-checking to see if our trails are open.”

When the COVID-19 spread began, Tschirgi said the park saw an influx of non-residents for camping, before it was restricted, as well as day-use from states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois that had closed their parks.


Cause of Bloody Run fish kill still eluding investigators

By Audrey Posten, Times-Register

The cause of an April 18 fish kill on Bloody Run Creek, near Marquette, is still eluding Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) investigators.

Officials tallied 898 dead fish, mostly trout, along a three-mile stretch of Bloody Run from Spook Cave to Iris Avenue. DNR Environmental Specialist Brett Meyers said the culprit could range from a pollutant in the water to a rapid temperature change in the stream.

“I am still interviewing landowners near Bloody Run to try and determine a cause,” Meyers noted last week.


MFL MarMac senior earns coveted Iowa FFA Degree

MFL MarMac senior Kayleigh White was the recent recipient of the coveted Iowa FFA Degree, the highest honor the state can bestow upon a member. (Submitted photo)

By Audrey Posten, Times-Register

MFL MarMac senior Kayleigh White was the recent recipient of the coveted Iowa FFA Degree, the highest honor the state can bestow upon a member.

 “It’s really exciting,” she said, “looking back at all the time I put in and, as an ag kid, to know how appreciated you are.”

To earn the degree, students must meet several requirements, including active FFA membership for at least two years, as well as participation in five FFA activities above the chapter level.


MFL MarMac teachers continue connecting with students through school closure

Even though MFL MarMac is closed for the remainder of the school year due to COVID-19, teachers are still connecting with students and offering optional learning opportunities. Here, third grade teacher Jennifer Wilwert connects with her students through the meeting app Zoom.

Pam Havlicek shares a story with her first graders.

Middle school science teachers Dawn Colsch and Twila Converse have started a weekly video conference with students. “Our conferences have included many discussions, both general and scientific, and a couple games of Kahoot and scavenger hunts,” Colsch shared.

Middle school math teacher Lindsey Fisk asked some of her students what they missed the most during the pandemic. “The students are working very hard mentally and physically,” she said.

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

“I’ve had people ask, ‘What are you doing with all your free time?’ But I don’t really have any free time.”

Like other staff members at MFL MarMac, teacher and curriculum director Eliza Philpott hasn’t taken a break since COVID-19 forced the school to close last month. Shortly after the initial closure, she and the school’s instructional coaches, Jess Peterson, Brent Pape, Heidi Meyer and Melissa Haberichter, set to work gathering optional learning opportunities for students.


Clayton among 77 counties where COVID-19 restrictions will ease starting May 1

By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times

Clayton County is one of 77 Iowa counties that will see a loosening of COVID-19 restrictions starting Friday, May 1. Gov. Kim Reynolds made the announcement, which includes the limited reopening of some businesses and the resumption of religious services, at her Monday press conference.
