By Molly Moser
The Clayton County Artists are hosting this year’s Region 3 Iowa Artists Show in Guttenberg on Saturday, April 11. The show will be held on the third floor of the Municipal Building and is open to the public from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Coordinator Gail Larson expects about 35 artists (fourteen of which are from Clayton County) to exhibit up to three works each.
Local artists Pat Peck, Carol Hartmann, Bev Hamann, Sue Bolsinger, Harry Gresham, Verna Lenth, Heather Meyer, Larson, and others are expected to have work in the exhibition. All the work to be exhibited has been created within the past two years and has never before been shown in Iowa Artists regional or state shows, so viewers can expect to see pieces they’ve not yet encountered.
Guttenberg artist Pat Peck plans to bring three oil paintings depicting scenes from her travels. One image shows a hill town in Italy built on the outcropping of a volcano known as Overito. The second is a painting of Gallway Bay in Ireland, and the third features a group of children watching a man shear a sheep. “With a competition like that, it really inspires you to do your best and find unusual things,” Peck told The Press.
“This year the judge at the show will be David Prehm, noted watercolorist and book illustrator,” said Larson. Prehm will select one piece from each 10 exhibited in Guttenberg for a first, second and third place ribbon, as well as a number of honorable mentions at his discretion. Blue ribbon winners from the regional shows go to the state show, which will be May 2 in Cedar Falls.