Telethon celebrates 50 years

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Dan Moris (left) introduces Dylan Harris (right), one of the musical acts that performed during the 50th Eagles Heart and Cancer Telethon on Jan. 25. (Steve Van Kooten/Courier Press)

(Left) Production employee with Mediacom lent their expertise to bring the Eagles telethon to the airwaves for its 50th year. Dan Moris interviewed students, musicians and other guests throughout the evening, which ran from 5-11 p.m. on Jan. 25.

Tom Stram (left), Howard Marklein (middle) and Mayor David Hemmer (right) posed for a photo in the backstage area while the Prairie du Chien School District’s jazz band played on stage. Marklein and U.S. Congressman Derrick Van Orden appeared during the event.

“It’s like being on The Tonight Show,” Mark Oehler said as he walked off the Prairie du Chien Area Arts Center Stage on Jan. 25.

Oehler, who has worked on various aspects of the telethon’s production throughout its history, including as a cameraman and audio mixe, said the telethon has come a long way since its beginnings in 1976; the production has gone from a self-described do-it-yourself operation with a few cameramen to a six-hour live show with Mediacom production staff working behind the scenes.

Oehler reflected on the telethon’s evolution, saying, “You never think of the long term. It just goes from year to year,” he said. “All of a sudden, it’s 50 years.”

He credited Dan Moris, one of the event emcees, for helping to keep the telethon going. Moris dove into the telethon’s history, picking out moments to revisit throughout the evening.

“Personally, the thing I love most about the telethon — in addition to its cause of raising money for heart & cancer research — is that it is the only Prairie du Chien event that brings nearly every facet of Prairie du Chien together on one night,” Moris wrote. “I really want to make it feel like a tribute to everyone that has participated in this unique PdC tradition.”

Other alumni, including Bob Ziehl, Richard Hagensick and Tom Nelson, were present during the production. Nelson, who worked on the very first telethon, watched along with the live audience.

“This is the first time I’ve watched it… You just love to do it,” he said.

Along with Moris, Tom Stram and Mayor David Hemmer provided hosting duties at the PAAC, and the Eagles Club simulcasted from their building on South Beaumont Road.

In a memorable telethon moment that will be replayed for years, Mayor Hemmer did a short polka dance with Oktoberfest Committee member Donna Teynor during the broadcast.

Various musical acts, including the Prairie du Chien School District Jazz Band and several local musicians, played during the show, and government officials State Senator Howard Marklein and U.S. Congressman Van Orden made appearances.

Marklein delivered a proclamation for the telethon, recognizing the event’s contribution to the community.

The telethon had left the air with $45,543. Over half a century, the telethon has raised more than $1 million for heart and cancer research.

Stram estimated that total will increase to over $1.2 million after the 2025 event’s numbers were tallied up.

“Think about raising that much money in a city the size of Prairie du Chien,” he said.

Moris said, “Every year, the total we leave the air with grows because money comes in for one reason or another.”

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