Hemmer takes over as Marquette mayor

By Audrey Posten
Brittany Hemmer is the new mayor of Marquette. She was appointed to the position at the Aug. 13 city council meeting, replacing Steve Weipert, who resigned in July after serving since 2018.
“I’m very excited about the opportunity,” said Hemmer. “It’s a little surreal, but I think it will be a good change and a good experience.”
Hemmer was born and raised in Prairie du Chien and moved to Marquette around 10 years ago. Her family includes her fiance, daughter and two stepsons. She’s worked her way up at Casey’s and is now assistant manager at the store in Marquette.
2024 marked Hemmer’s third year on the Marquette Council, after she was encouraged by fellow resident and council member Dave Schneider to run.
“I said, ‘Yeah, that sounds interesting,’” she recalled. “I felt like I was hitting a stagnant spot in my life and wanted something different, something I was not used to. I ran and got elected and I’ve enjoyed my three years.”
“I’ve learned a lot and feel like I’ve become a good person of the community, someone people can recognize and reach out to,” Hemmer added.
During her time on the council, Hemmer served on the personnel and capital projects committees and streets/parks commission and was an alternate to the Clayton County Emergency Management Commission.
Most eye opening to her during that span is how long it takes to accomplish a plan or idea.
“You want that idea to happen, but it could be a month- or a year-long process getting paperwork signed or something approved. Everyone wants something right now. They don’t have patience,” Hemmer said.
As mayor, Hemmer is most excited to see progression of the Twin Bluffs Subdivision project.
Her goal is “continuing on the greatness of this community and the stepping stones that have been laid down for me already from previous administrations,” she said.
Hemmer isn’t Marquette’s first woman mayor, but at age 33, she might be one of the youngest to hold the position. She’s happy to represent a new generation of leaders, and hopes others will step forward now that her spot on the council is vacant.
“I think a lot of people my age hit a point where they say, ‘What am I doing? Is this what I want to do? Is there something more out there?’ I think it’s a great opportunity to become involved in your community and learn a little more about local government, how things go,” she said. “It’s a little nerve wracking at first, but it’s good to be a little nervous, I think. That’s when you know you’re moving in the right direction.”
New ideas and new experiences can help push people—and the community—forward.
“The unknown is scary,” Hemmer admitted, “but staying in the same spot all the time can be even scarier.”