C.R. senior member of State 4-H Council
By Caroline Rosacker
The Iowa State 4-H Council is composed of approximately 40 energetic and positive high school juniors and seniors from across Iowa who act as ambassadors for 4-H. One of their major responsibilities is planning the Iowa 4-H Youth Conference held in Ames each June.
Brooke Hansel
Clayton Ridge senior Brooke Hansel, daughter of Nick and Julie Hansel of Guttenberg, is a current member of the Iowa State 4-H Council. She shared her experience, "4-H Council members are selected through an application and interview process. We meet four times during the year in central Iowa for weekend retreats. We get to know each other through team building activities, planning conference, promoting 4-H, helping to ensure funding for 4-H programs, and forming friendships that last a lifetime." Each term is one year, but members can serve two terms during their Junior and Senior year.
Positive experience
As a member, Brooke's main duties include attending four retreats a year, and helping plan the State 4-H Conference. "This is one of our main tasks, but we also volunteer for different 4-H events at the Iowa State Fair!" she enthusiastically told The Press.
Brooke enjoys being a member of the Iowa State 4-H Council. "As a member, I have only had positive encounters!" she commented. "I have met some of my best friends this year while being on state council, and our advisors have been extremely supportive!"
Brooke encourages other local junior and senior 4-H members to consider becoming a council member. "I would totally recommend this opportunity. Although 4-H is not as common in the Clayton Ridge school district, we have been working to gain more members," she noted.
Brooke has only participated in 4-H activities in Iowa, but is looking forward to attending the National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Ga., this fall.
For additional information or how to apply see online at https://www.extension.iastate.edu/4h