Crawford County celebrates National 4-H Week

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Volunteers work with youth to learn more about projects. Above, a volunteer teaches members about baking and how to make great muffins.

4-H members can participate in countywide events that showcase their talents. Here, two members perform a duet at the annual music festival.

National 4-H Week (Oct. 2-8) is being celebrated by 4-H clubs throughout the country. And, so it is with the 4-H clubs in Crawford County as well. 


There are six 4-H clubs in Crawford County: Country Cuzz of Mt. Zion, Eastman Cloverleaf of Eastman, Happy Hi-Liters of Seneca, North Clayton Cardinals of Soldiers Grove, Steuben River Runners of Steuben, and the Wonder Workers of Prairie du Chien. 4-H is open to youth in grades kindergarten through one year after high school. 


Members learn important life skills to help prepare them for successful futures. Skills include leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, and communication.

Head, Heart, Hands and Health are the four Hs in 4-H, and they are the four values that members work on through fun and engaging programs. The 4-H Pledge reads, “I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my Health to better living. For my club, my country and my world.”


4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization, with more than six million members and more than 90,000 clubs. 4-H Club meetings include group-building activities, business and educational programs. Clubs conduct business meetings, have recreation or social activities, do project work, plan and conduct community service work, have guest speakers and other educational programs. 


Most families choose a club based upon its meeting location and-or meeting day of the week. Most clubs meet on Sunday afternoons. Other families choose a club because they have friends in that club. There are no residency restrictions (including county) when joining a 4-H club. Families are welcome to drop in on a 4-H club to check out or contact a 4-H leader in charge of a club before joining. Once a 4-H club is chosen, people can enroll in the Crawford County 4-H Program using 4-H Online at 


The members of 4-H clubs in Crawford County conducted numerous projects and demonstrations and attended various fun events throughout the year.

Various projects and events are highlighted on these pages in celebration of National 4-H Week. 

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