Notice of Public Hearings: City of PdC

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The Common Council of the City of Prairie du Chien, having before it a recommendation to amend the Prairie du Chien Floodplain Zoning Code (Chapter 17A) to wit:

Amendment to Chapter 17A Floodplain Zoning Code, Section 1.5(2)(b)1. of the City of Prairie du Chien Municipal Code to incorporate a letter of map revision with effective date October 28, 2021 amending Panel No. 55023C0392E of the adopted floodplain maps.  The revision will allow alteration of the floodway in conjunction with the Parcel Number 271-1913-0000.

Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 214 East Blackhawk Avenue, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, at 7:00 PM on July 20, 2021, when opportunity will be afforded to all interested parties in being heard relative to the aforesaid and after which the Council may take action on the recommendation.

Copies of the letter of map revision are available for review at the office of the City of Prairie du Chien Planning and Zoning Department, 214 East Blackhawk Ave., Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. If you have any questions regarding this public hearing, please contact the City Municipal Office at (608) 326-8024.



Chad Abram

City Administrator


Municipal Building   Website: 

June 30, July 7                      #27, 28                       WNAXLP

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