Central has need for substitutes

By Pam Reinig, Times-Register
Gov. Kim Reynolds earlier this summer relaxed qualifications for substitute teachers, but even that might not be enough to offset the need. Locally, for example, Central will start the year with only nine substitutes. This time last year, they had 19.
“The drop is, in large part, due to COVID-19,” said Central Superintendent Nick Trenkamp. “Many of our subs are in the age range most affected by the virus, and are worried about returning and exposure.”
Reynolds’ proclamation is designed to address situations like the one facing Central by creating a larger pool of subs. To achieve that goal, the minimum age was dropped from 21 to 20. In addition, substitutes are no longer required to have earned a baccalaureate degree. Anyone who has achieved an associate’s degree or completed 60 semester hours of college coursework from a regionally accredited institution is eligible to work as a substitute. Pay was also increased. This year, Central substitutes will earn $105 a day, an amount Trenkamp said is consistent with neighboring districts.
If necessary, Trenkamp, high school principal Aaron Reinhart and elementary secretary/alumni coordinator Stephanie Burke are prepared to do substitute teaching.
The substitute shortage at Central isn’t limited to the classroom. Central could use subs in several other areas, including bus drivers, cooks, associates and secretaries. Anyone interested in becoming a sub should call the district office at (563) 245-1751. Training costs may be reimbursed.
“Subbing is a great way to stay connected with your school district and community,” Trenkamp said. “We have excellent subs at Central and they are vital to our success and team.”