Biden makes Elkader Stop
About 200 people turned out last Friday to hear Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden at Johnson’s Reception Hall, Elkader. The rally, which started more than an hour late, began with a big surprise: Accompanying Biden on his No Mularkey Tour was former Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently endorsed Biden to the nation’s top job.
Sounding like a candidate himself, Kerry took 20 minutes to introduce Biden. Kerry talked about the time he spent in Iowa during his own bid for the presidency and also mentioned that he carried the state in the 2004 primary. He then touted his long working relationship with Biden, even using it as a punchline for a stab at Donald Trump.
“The only team that’s worked more closely than us, is Trump and Putin,” he said.
Kerry went on to say that he wasn’t endorsing Biden because he’s known him so long but because he knows him so well.
“It’s time to put sanity and common decency back in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” he said. “It’s my personal conviction that Joe Biden is the person to lead us.”
Biden then took center stage and after greeting the crowd, he searched out Elkader resident Marge Costigan to congratulate her on her approaching 100th birthday.
“Whatever you’re eating and drinking, I want some!” he said, drawing sustained applause.
Biden had barely started the main segment of his presentation when he was interrupted by a ringing cellphone, which he took in stride.
“That’s the President calling. Tell him I’m busy,” he said. “He’s always trying to disrupt these things.”
That comment set the stage for much of the rest of Biden’s talk. He spent considerable time reminding the assemblage of the “damage Donald Trump has done to our nation.”
He blasted Trump’s position on climate change, commented on the lack of respect for the President among other world leaders, and accused Trump of “embracing every thug and dictator in the world.” He singled out two men—Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un—as examples of “thugs” who are hopeful Trump remains in the White House.
“I’ve learned three things recently,” Biden said. “First, Putin doesn’t want me to be president and second, neither does Jong-Un. Jong-Un even said ‘Joe Biden is a rabid dog who needs to be beaten with a stick.’ Right after that he got another love letter from Trump. And finally, Trump doesn’t want me to be the nominee. He’s spent $12 million on negative ads about me—some that are so bad the mainstream media won’t run them.”
After accusing Trump of choosing “oil companies over farmers,” Biden suggested ways to generate economic growth for farmers. He advocates removing the methane in hog and cattle manure, and turning it into a product that can be sold. He wants to strengthen rural hospitals, eliminate net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and promote the middle class by raising the federal minimum wage.
In closing, he reminded those who attended the rally of the importance of Iowa’s first-in-the-nation primary, and asked each person’s consideration of his candidacy.
"You might choose someone over me—I get it,” he said. “I’m not pressuring you to vote for me. But I want you to consider me, to look me over. If you give me a shot, I promise you’ll never be in a position where you’ll be embarrassed by anything ethically that ever happens.”