Water Under the Bridge: Local artists challenged to create work inspired by theme
By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times
The Left Bank Shop and Gallery in McGregor is challenging the public to submit artwork for its second special exhibit of the season, entitled “Water Under the Bridge.”
“We’ve done artist challenges before,” open to those who sell their work at The Left Bank, said gallery director Camille Sweet, “but we thought, ‘Why keep it just to our artists? Let everybody challenge their creativity.’”
Artists are tasked with creating pieces based on the theme “water under the bridge.”
“We want to see what inspires people about the area,” Sweet said.
Art can be literal, featuring the bridge or water, or it can invoke feelings or thoughts related to the theme.
Pieces can be in any style, from photography or paintings to sculpture or jewelry.
“We’d love to see younger artists—musicians even,” Sweet shared. “If you have songs about the river or draw inspiration from the Driftless Area, we’d love to get you here to play.”
Examples of interpretive works can be submitted until June 28 to the McGregor-Marquette Center for the Arts jury committee at mmcajury@gmail.com. Sweet said just six or seven artists will be selected for the special exhibit, which will run from July 19 to Aug. 19.
“To get picked is an honor,” said Sweet. “There are so many amazing artists. I’m excited to see work from artists we’ve never seen before.”