McGregor’s Sixth Street bridge to be replaced this year
By Audrey Posten, Noth Iowa Times
The McGregor Council, at its March 13 meeting, approved an engineering contract with H.R. Green for replacement of the Sixth Street bridge.
Grant funding from the Iowa Department of Transportation will pay for the project, which H.R. Green senior project manager Tim Cutsforth said will include removing the current bridge and replacing it with a box culvert.
“A few years ago, it was patched up,” Cutsforth noted, “but the abutments are starting to go. It’s met its lifespan.”
He added that the project will also “take the kink out of the [storm sewer] channel” at this location, allowing for better conveyance of water.
Cutsforth anticipates an August bid letting for the project, with construction occurring before the end of the year.
“It’s a nice fall project,” he said.
Pocket park expenditures approved
The council approved expenditures for the city’s new Roger Witter Memorial Pocket Park, which will be located in the vacant lot next to the library that was donated to the city by Fred Petrie and Melanie SanFillippo following the 2017 tornado. Some of the expenditures include signage, bike racks, planters, benches, picnic tables, a pergola and stage, as well as a screen, projector, speakers and other equipment to hold movie showings in the park. A portion of the Restore McGregor fund, along with grant funding, will cover the project cost.
Spring clean-up date set
The council set Monday, April 29, as McGregor’s spring clean-up day.
The city will also sponsor a shred truck on Saturday, April 27, allowing residents to dispose of paper documents. The truck will be at Turner Street from 10 a.m. to noon, during the annual Turner Park Earth Day event.
Downtown railings will get facelift
During her report, city administrator Lynette Sander said the city will start re-doing its downtown railings this year. Work will include sandblasting and re-painting the railings, as well as repairing bent railings.