Mobile Wellness Chiropractic brings back the house call

Dr. Jessica Sloan
By Audrey Posten, North Iowa Times
The days of a doctoral house call might seem like a thing of the past, but Dr. Jessica Sloan is looking to bring the practice back. The 2009 MFL MarMac alumna and recent graduate of Palmer School of Chiropractic has begun providing chiropractic care in the comfort of a patient’s home through her business, Mobile Wellness Chiropractic.
“I’d heard of other house call clinics, so I did some research, and it made sense,” said Sloan, who lives near McGregor. “Have portable table, will travel.”
Sloan, who originally planned to become a vet, said her interest in the chiropractic field came more unusually than some of her Palmer classmates. Many referenced a life-changing childhood adjustment as the impetus for choosing the career. She, on the other hand, had been adjusted just once.
“But I found Palmer and everything fit with my philosophy of health and well-being,” Sloan remarked.
With Mobile Wellness, Sloan offers comprehensive chiropractic care, treating both the spine and extremities. She also addresses soft tissue imbalances through trigger point therapy and stretches, helps with strength training for postural and muscular imbalances and provides ergonomic and proper biomechanical technique advice. Sloan offers nutrition advice, as well, aiding patients with weight loss and healthy living.
“We talk about the whole package: nutrition, fitness, mental health,” she said.
She also works to find the source of a patient’s pain.
“Your body adapts, and when it can’t adapt anymore, that’s when you have pain,” Sloan explained. “I won’t just treat that, but will check it out to stop the problem from happening.”
For appointments, Sloan said she requires a clear, level space large enough to accommodate her table. She must also have room to walk around the table.
Sloan works to fit her patients’ schedules, and has, so far, worked mostly evenings and weekends. New patients are welcome.
“The convenience is the part I love the most,” she said. “I can come to your house. You don’t have to juggle to fit me in.”
Being in a patient’s home can also give Sloan more insight into their lives, she noted. It’s all done with permission, and no judgment.
“I might notice rugs you could trip and fall on. I can look in the refrigerator and cupboards,” she said. “It’s another puzzle piece to your health goals.”
In her young career, Sloan said her patients have so far been the most rewarding aspect.
“I want to help people,” she said. “I want to have them experience a pain-free life they hadn’t had in years, and know they don’t have to live that way.”
To learn more about Mobile Wellness Chiropractic, contact Dr. Sloan at (563) 880-1073 or