Cardinal 4-H Club to host Mount Hope Dairy Day Parade June 17
The Mount Hope Cardinal 4-H Club, Inc. is planning the annual Mount Hope Dairy Day Parade to be held Friday night June 17.
The activities will start with the Ice Cream Social at the Mount Hope Fire Station at 6 p.m. Club members will be serving sandwiches, cheese, pie, ice cream and milk throughout the evening.
The parade line up will take place on the hill with judging to take place at 7:30 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to place entries in the parade with some of the judged categories being marchers, youth groups, bands, commercial, organizational, antique cars, and tractors. There will be a place in the parade for royalty and politicians. Parade entries are encouraged to arrive prior to 7 p.m. and asked to enter the village from the north off of Highway 18 past the water tower. Please stop at the intersection of Centre and Highway streets for directions to the appropriate staging area for registration. Children ages 4-6 are invited to participate in the King/Queen contest and ride on that float.
The parade will head up Main Street at 8 p.m. Rain or Shine. After the parade there will be kids games organized by the United Methodist Church and a DJ teen dance in the Park.
For more information please contact Neil or Lisa Riley at (608) 988-4359.