Active in Guttenberg CR Eagles Athletic Booster Club
By Molly Moser
Editor’s note: This story is one in an ongoing series to highlight local groups and organizations that welcome members of the community and enhance our city’s culture. If you would like your group to be featured, please contact The Guttenberg Press.
A group of Clayton Ridge parents with the desire to volunteer and make a positive difference for student athletes on the field and in the classroom gathered last week for their quarterly meeting. The Athletic Booster Club is led by president Steve Staebler and includes volunteer members Darcy Cline, vice president; Sandy Auer, secretary; Toni Tujetsch, treasurer; Darcy Smith, membership coordinator; Jane Staebler, master of schedules, and directors Terry Domeyer, Grace Heitman, Sharon Cunningham and Lana Troester. Each of the members have a history of being a regular volunteer in the community and offering cheerful service.
The small but mighty club was a substantial contributor to the construction of the Stephen D. Shannon Athletic Complex, completed in 2009. They’ve financially supported team camps, individual camps, equipment, a concussion workshop, motivational speakers, practice jerseys, record boards, wrestling mats, scholarships, a basketball shooting machine, the Hudl Film program, fundraiser donations, a sound system, field equipment and many other requests.
“We support and inspire our student athletes to succeed academically and athletically because they are our future,” states the group’s vision. The majority of core members are female and all are the parents of student athletes, but anyone is welcome to join and the group is looking for new members. All that’s required of members, Staebler told The Press, is “a desire to support students in various ways, open-mindedness, a willingness to offer positive input for athletics and academics, helpfulness, a willing volunteer and the ability to offer cheerful service.”
The Athletic Booster Club coordinates the membership and donation drive each year, as well as organizing parents to help sell tickets at the door for volleyball and basketball games. There are various levels of dollar amounts donated annually by businesses and individuals, and donors are recognized in the athletic game programs.
“The core group manages and operates the concession stand for football games and track meets. The athletic teams assist in the concession stand on a rotating basis and earn a payout that can be used for purchases that benefit the team such as camps, clinics, equipment and athletic clothes,” said Staebler.
Although the Gridiron Club’s main focus is football, they make a generous donation to the Booster Club for the support of all athletics. In turn, the Gridiron Club is under the Booster Club’s umbrella for tax-exempt status. “It is a good partnership that results in a win-win for everyone,” said Staebler. “Their group loves and supports football but also supports all Clayton Ridge athletics through their monetary donation to the Boosters.”
For more information or to join the Clayton Ridge Eagles Athletic Booster Club, contact any core group member.