Burglar takes toilet, shower head, water softener, etc.

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A burglar in Crawford County swiped some unusual items from a residence in the town of Freeman in late December, according to the Crawford County Sheriff’s Department.

On Sunday, Dec. 27, around 8:15 p.m., the sheriff’s department investigated a burglary that occurred at a residence located at 12072 State Highway 35. The following items were removed from the residence: four car rims and tires, two interior doors, a shower head, a water softener and a toilet. There were also several electrical wires and copper pipes cut and removed from the basement of the residence.

Crawford County Crime Stoppers urges anyone having information about this or any other crimes to call 326-8933 or (866) 779-PAYS. Anyone calling either of these numbers with a Crime Stoppers tip will remain anonymous and a reward of up to $1,000 could be paid for a tip that solves a crime.

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