Bagley completes second storm shelter

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By Caitlin Bittner

Better safe than sorry is the motto for the village of Bagley in the case of severe weather striking the area. In May, Bagley’s second storm shelter was completed with the assistance of a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant.

“The grant was for $403,250,” said Village President David “Buck” Schott. Schott also noted that the village’s share in the expense was 12.5 percent, meaning that the village paid $34,000 for the project.

“We were $8,000 over budget because we put in a new storm sewer as was suggested by FEMA,” explained Schott. “We put in a new hydrant and a drain to help keep the water from gathering there. It was actually helpful for the community, too. The drain works for everyone.”

Schott also said that the village may have an opportunity to get some money back from FEMA if there is any left over in the grant fund after the year is over.

Additionally, Wal-Mart awarded the project a $1,000 grant, which was matched by the organization Neighbors Helping Neighbors. “We used that money to buy some chairs and things for the safe houses to help make them more comfortable and accessible to people, especially older people who might not be able to stand for too long,” commented Schott.

Because so many funds were gathered Schott said that the village would not have to raise taxes to accommodate the village’s portion of the expense. “We just tightened our belt a little.”

“This shelter,” said Schott, “will be useful especially for the east end of Bagley for those who don’t have basements.” Those who camp in the area are also welcome to use the facilities in case of a storm.

Both facilities are now fully functional and ready for use, but that doesn’t mean Schott hopes they get a lot of use. “We really hope we never have to use them,” said Schott. “But, now we can use them. If they save one life, it will be worth it.”

Between the two shelters, over 490 people can be protected in case of serious weather. For now, Schott remarked that they will not be adding anymore storm shelters to the area. “We’re done. We’ve got to maintain the ones we’ve got. With them, Bagley should be set for years.”

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