Womenade potluck is July 14
A Womenade potluck will be held Tuesday, July 14, starting at 6:00 p.m. in the south pavilion in the park near the south Marina Visitor Center in Guttenberg. In case of rain or fish flies, the potluck will be moved to the visitor center.
Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share and to come and enjoy an evening of fellowship. Updates will be given regarding donations received and the distribution of those contributions.
The group is looking for more county-wide participation. Those attending are encouraged to bring a friend or neighbor.
Womenade is a grassroots organization of women from Clayton County who give monetary support to help others with a mission to:
•Provide immediate, confidential assistance to approved individuals in the county in time of hardship or when facing small stumbling blocks
•Offer help without prejudice or discrimination through the help of established agencies in the county
•Maintain no overhead to ensure that every dollar raised goes for those directly in need in our county.
Informal potluck gatherings to collect funds occur three times a year and are optional.
There are no national membership dues, only local donations.Anyone is welcome to join as an individual or part of a group.
Those who wish to help, but can't attend a meeting are invited to send a donation with contact information to: Peoples State Bank, P.O. Box 430, Guttenberg, IA 52052. Make checks payable to Clayton County Womenade.